If You Had to Vote Today . . .

In class today, I asked my FYE 1220 students to write down the answers to these two questions.

  • If you had to vote for US President today, who would you vote for?
  • Why?

They then folded the papers, and put them back into their notebooks; I won’t collect these.

Tonight, the students need to go to Glassbooth and take a short survey. As Glassbooth puts it, “Glassbooth connects you to the 2008 presidential candidate that represents your beliefs the best.”

Wednesday in class, we’ll discuss reactions to similarities and differences between who they initially indicated they’d vote for and which candidate is most closely aligned with their stance on issues.

You’re Not Going to Vote? Seriously?

Take a look at this short video. It’s worth your time, especially if you are considering not voting in the November election.

And if you aren’t registered to vote yet, you don’t have much time to waste. Visit http://maps.google.com/vote to learn how much time you have left to register. Soon, you’ll also have information available there on where to vote.

I am registered. And I will vote early to avoid the lines on Election Day.